Wednesday, November 19, 2014


          This article mainly traces out the new initiative of India being the weaponry exporter rather than then importing them and its economic impact. According to recent article in the Washington Post, India is the World's largest Arms importer. Recently, the newly elected Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi initiated a plan to making weapons (India make) in India and exporting to other countries. It seems, definitely a step in the right direction for India.
          Making India as a trade partner would be a good idea for other counties. India is a federal state with a parliamentary form of government. As per this initiative, the Prime Minister of India has planned to give multibillion contracts to Indian companies and also promoting international collaboration through partial foreign ownership. In my opinion, what Mr. Modi is doing is that the right way to go to open the sector for private companies and it's a smart way of turning things around the present sluggish Indian economy.
          I am really thrilled to the idea of India shifting from importing weapons to exporting them to other countries. If India becomes successful in this initiative, this will increase the volume of weaponry goods and lower terms of trade. Imports do benefit the economy. For the importing countries, it will reduce price and increase competitiveness. Imports help to strengthen with variety, competition and new ideas. However, one of my friends totally disagrees with my point of view. She thinks that exports benefit the economy rather than import, because you can sell goods for good price and help with demand management.
          To conclude, I like India's new initiative and I strongly believe that India will be better of producing weapons rather than importing. 

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